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Advantages, Disadvantages and Applications of partition column chromatography


1. Different Selectivity:

  • Partition chromatography can offer different selectivities compared to adsorption chromatography, making it useful for separating compounds that might co-elute in other techniques.

2. Gentler Separation:

  • Since the separation relies on a partitioning equilibrium between two liquid phases, it can be gentler on labile or sensitive compounds.

3. Flexibility:

  • The choice of stationary and mobile phases offers flexibility, allowing separations to be tailored to specific compound types or mixtures.

Here's the diagram on "Advantages of Partition Column Chromatography"


1. Efficiency:

  • It might offer lower plate numbers (and thus, in some cases, lower resolution) compared to other chromatographic methods like HPLC or GC.

2. Bleeding:

  • The stationary liquid phase might bleed or evaporate from the column, especially at elevated temperatures, which can affect reproducibility and separation efficiency.

3. Solvent Usage:

  • Like other forms of column chromatography, partition chromatography can also consume a significant volume of solvents, leading to higher costs and environmental concerns.

Here's the diagram on "Disadvantages of Partition Column Chromatography"


1. Amino Acid Separation:

  • Historically, before the rise of HPLC, partition chromatography was a method of choice for amino acid separations.

2. Biochemical Separations:

  • Useful for purifying or separating biomolecules that might be sensitive to the strong adsorptive forces present in adsorption chromatography.

3. Natural Product Isolation:

  • Can be employed in the isolation and purification of natural products, especially when tailored selectivity is required.

4. Essential Oils and Flavors:

  • Useful for separating volatile compounds present in essential oils or flavor extracts.

5. Research:

  • In academic and research settings, partition chromatography can be a valuable tool for investigating compound mixtures or for purifying specific compounds of interest.

Here's the diagram on "Applications of Partition Column Chromatography"

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