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  • These are those drugs which is used to treat angina pectoris.

  • An imbalance between the myocardium's oxygen demand and supply results in angina pectoris, it is a symptom of myocardial ischemia.

  • Angina pectoris is also called ischemic chest pain.

  • It is severe chest pain, and this pain is due to ischemia (lack of 02).

  • Ischemia is reduced blood flow to any organ or tissue of the body, reducing it of oxygen.

  • This pain occurred in the chest and left side of body. Then this pain is spreading to neck, back, jaw and limbs.

  • Patients may also feel unusual symptoms including indigestion, nausea, vomiting, or diaphoresis.


  • It is caused when Myocardium (heart muscle) is not getting enough oxygen and blood supply.

  • Coronary artery disease is the most typical cause of decreased blood flow to the heart muscle.

Types of Anginas

I. Stable angina-

  • Also knows as classical angina.

  • It is most common type of angina

  • These attacks are predictable and caused by exercise, emotion and increase workload.

  • The main cause of classical angina is significant atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries, which provide blood to the heart's deeper tissues.

  • This result in decrease coronary artery perfusion

II. Variant Angina-

  • Also known as vasospastic and prinzmetal angina.

  • It is uncommon and unpredictable.

  • Attacks occur at rest. And the pain is inducing at rest.

  • Caused by coronary vasospasm, due to this blood supply decreases and results decrease in oxygen.

  • In this type of angina, drug is used to relieving vasospasm.

III. Unstable Angina

  • Attacks that happen while you're at rest rapidly increase in both duration and intensity.

  • The most frequent cause of unstable angina is atherosclerosis.

  • The accumulation of fatty material, known as plaque, on the artery walls is known as atherosclerosis.

  • As a result, arteries grow more rigid and thin. Chest pain might result from the constriction decreasing blood supply to the heart.

Treatment of angina

  • This can be treated by changing lifestyle like increase in physical exercise, decrease in Weight, avoid smoking, and avoid intake of fatty acids.

  • This can be treated by coronary artery bypass surgery.

  • This can be treated by medication like anti-anginal drugs like ca++ ion channel blocker, vasodilators, and beta blockers etc.

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