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Anti-Neoplastic Agents


  • Anti-Neoplastic Agents are those agents or drug which are used in the treatment of cancer

  • Anti means “oppose”. Neoplastic means “neoplasm (tumour or cancer)”

  • Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of body cells.

  • Neoplasm is a mass of tissue that develops abnormally when cells do not die on time or expand and divide more often than usual.

  • These tissue leads to the formation of Tumor.

classification of tumors

Condition of cancer-

  • Growth do not flow in proper direction

  • Uncontrolled growth of cell division

  • Have tissue invasion- The process through which tumour cells spread into adjacent areas is known as tissue invasion.

  • No apoptosis (Cell death)

Cause of cancer-

  • Genetics

  • Physical and Chemical agents (smoking, alcohol, diet)

  • Hormones

  • Infections (viruses, bacteria, and parasites)

  • Radiation (ionising and non-ionising)

  • Some rare cause like organ transplantation and trauma

Type of cancer-

There are five primary cancer types. These consist of:

1.  Carcinoma - 

  • Lungs, breasts, pancreas, skin, and other organs and glands are all affected by this type of cancer. The most typical sort of cancer is a carcinoma.

2. Sarcoma - 

  • Muscle, fat, bone, cartilage, or blood vessels are all affected by this cancer, which affects soft or connective tissues.

3.   Melanoma - 

  • Cancer can occasionally arise in the skin's pigment-producing cells. These cancers are known as melanoma.

4.   Lymphoma - 

  • White blood cells, or lymphocytes, are impacted by this cancer.

5.   Leukemia -

  • Blood is impacted by this type of cancer.

Treatment of cancer

  • Chemotherapy

  • Radiation therapy

  • Surgery

  • Hormone therapy

  • Biological response modifier therapy

  • Immunotherapy

  • Bone marrow transplant

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