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Anti-neoplastic agents

  • Anti-neoplastic agents are the specialized drug used primarily to treat cancer.

  • It can destroy cancer cell.

  • But I have some side effects like nausea, hair loss, mouth, ulcers and lowering of the blood cells.

  • I may have some severe side effect sometimes.

  • They give cytotoxic for benign cells.

  • Mechanism of action –

  • The main reason of cancer is abnormal and uncontrolled cell division (Proliferation of cells).

  • Antineoplastic drugs attack cancerous cells that are dividing quickly. Additionally, they may be harmful to healthy dividing cells, including those of an unborn baby.

Classification of anti-neoplastic agents

  • These agents are classified based on their mechanism of action and origin. Here's a breakdown of each category:

1.  Alkylating Agents:

  • These drugs work by adding an alkyl group to the DNA molecule, which can interfere with the DNA replication process and thus inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

  • Examples:

    • Meclorethamine

    • Cyclophosphamide

    • Melphalan

    • Chlorambucil

    • Busulfan

    • Thiotepa

2.  Antimetabolites:

  • These agents resemble natural substances within the cell, allowing them to interfere with the metabolic processes of the cells, especially those related to DNA and RNA synthesis.

  • Examples:

    • Mercaptopurine

    • Thioguanine

    • Fluorouracil

    • Floxuridine

    • Cytarabine

    • Methotrexate

    • Azathioprine

3.   Antibiotics (Antitumor Antibiotics):

  • These are not antibiotics in the traditional sense (i.e., they don't treat bacterial infections). Instead, they interfere with the DNA or RNA inside cancer cells, preventing them from growing and dividing.

  • Examples:

    • Dactinomycin

    • Daunorubicin

    • Doxorubicin

    • Bleomycin

4.  Plant Products (Plant Alkaloids):

  • These are chemotherapy treatments derived from certain types of plants. They can work in various ways, such as interfering with the mitosis (cell division) or inhibiting enzymes that are necessary for cell reproduction.

  • Examples:

    • Etoposide

    • Vinblastine sulphate

    • Vincristine sulphate

5. Miscellaneous:

  • This category includes agents that do not fit neatly into the other categories but are used in the treatment of cancer.

  • Examples:

    • Cisplatin:

    • Mitotane

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