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Chlorinated Lime (Calcium Hypochlorite, Ca(ClO)₂)


  • Chlorinated Lime Prepared by passing chlorine gas through slaked lime (calcium hydroxide):

2Ca(OH)2 + 2Cl2 → Ca(ClO)2 + CaCl2 + 2H2O2


  • White to grayish-white powder with a chlorine-like odor.

  • Soluble in water, forming a clear solution.

  • Strong oxidizing and bleaching agent.

  • Chemical formula: Ca(ClO)₂


  • As a disinfectant for water purification and swimming pools.

  • As an antiseptic for wound cleaning in dilute solutions.

  • Used for disinfecting surfaces in hospitals and households.

Storage of Chlorinated Lime:

  • Store in a cool, dry place away from organic materials and reducing agents.

  • Keep in a tightly closed, corrosion-resistant container.

Assay of Chlorinated Lime (Calcium Hypochlorite)


  • To determine the concentration or available chlorine content in chlorinated lime using iodometric titration.


1.Prepare a Standard Solution:

  • Dissolve a known amount of potassium iodide (KI) in water to create a standard solution.

2.Prepare the Sample:

  • Weigh an accurate amount of chlorinated lime and dissolve it in a known volume of water.

3.React with KI:

  • Add a known volume of KI solution to the chlorinated lime solution.

  • The available chlorine reacts with KI to produce iodine (I₂) and potassium chloride (KCl):

Cl2 + 2KI → I2 + 2KCl

4.Add Indicator:

  • Add a starch solution as an indicator, which forms a blue-black complex with iodine.


  • Slowly add a standard solution of sodium thiosulfate (Na₂S₂O₃) to the mixture while stirring.

  • Sodium thiosulfate reduces iodine to iodide:

2S2O32- + I2 → 2I- + S4O62-

  • The endpoint is reached when the blue-black color disappears, indicating all the iodine has reacted.

6.Calculate Available Chlorine Content:

  • Measure the volume of sodium thiosulfate used in the titration.

  • Use the stoichiometry of the reactions to calculate the available chlorine content or purity of the chlorinated lime sample.

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