Key terms as defined under the Narcotic Drugs (NDPS) Act, 1985:
Narcotic Drugs:
Substances like opium, morphine, heroin, and other opiates, as well as synthetic narcotics.
Psychotropic Substances:
Substances that affect mental processes, such as LSD, MDMA, and certain prescription medications.
Drug Trafficking:
The cultivation, production, sale, transport, or distribution of narcotic or psychotropic substances.
Growing plants that contain narcotic substances, such as opium poppy.
The production or processing of narcotic or psychotropic substances.
Having control or custody of narcotic or psychotropic substances, regardless of ownership.
Psychiatric Patient:
An individual diagnosed with a mental disorder as per recognized medical standards.
A written order from a licensed medical practitioner authorizing the use of specific narcotic or psychotropic substances.