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Diabetes Mellitus

  • Diabetes Mellitus also known as Diabetes.

  • Diabetes mellitus is a class of metabolic disease characterised by permanently high blood sugar levels.

  • In this condition, the body is unable to regulate the blood sugar level.


  • excessive urination

  • glucose in urine

  • increased thirst

  • higher appetite

  • feeling weak and tired.


  • Defects in insulin formation, secretion, and action.

  • Obesity and inactive lifestyle.

  • Family history and genes.

  • Excessive diet of glucose (carbohydrate).

  • Heart and blood vessels disease.


A.  Type I diabetes mellitus

  • It is insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.

  • In this, pancreatic Beta-cells gets destroyed.

  • It is a chronic condition in which pancreas doesn’t produce insulin or produce less amount of insulin.

  • Mostly occur in children.

  • Insulin injection is taken as a treatment

B. Type II diabetes mellitus

  • It is non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.

  • It is a chronic disease in which the body's cells in the liver, muscle, and fat become resistant to insulin.

  • Glucose uptake by the cells is reduced.

  • Oral hypoglycemic agents are used as a treatment.

Here is the mind map providing an overview of Diabetes Mellitus

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