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E1 verses E2 reactions, Factors affecting E1 and E2 reactions

Comparison of E1 and E2 reactions


E1 Reaction

E2 Reaction


Two-step mechanism

One-step concerted mechanism

Formation of carbocation

Proton abstraction and


leaving group departure

Proton abstraction by a base

occur simultaneously

to form double bond


First-order kinetics

Second-order kinetics

Rate = k[Substrate]

Rate = k[Substrate][Base]


3° > 2° >> 1°

3° > 2° > 1°


(stability of carbocations)

(stability of transition



Possible in E1 reactions

Not observed in E2 reactions



No specific requirement

Anti-periplanar geometry


Major Product

Saytzeff's rule may not

Saytzeff's rule typically


always apply due to

applies, forming the most

carbocation rearrangements

highly substituted alkene

This table summarizes the main differences between E1 and E2 reactions in terms of mechanism, kinetics, substrate reactivity, carbocation rearrangement, stereochemistry, and the major product (alkene) formed.

Factors Affecting E1 and E2 Reactions

  • When considering elimination reactions, both E1 (first-order elimination) and E2 (second-order elimination) mechanisms play pivotal roles in organic synthesis.

  • The choice between these pathways and their efficiencies are influenced by several key factors:

Substrate Structure

  • E1: Prefers tertiary alkyl halides due to the stability of the resulting carbocation.

  • E2: More versatile, but the reaction rate can be influenced by the substrate’s ability to adopt an anti-periplanar geometry necessary for the concerted mechanism.

Leaving Group

  • Affects both E1 and E2 reactions. Better leaving groups (those that can stabilize a negative charge upon departure, such as iodide or bromide) facilitate both types of reactions.

Nucleophile/Base Strength

  • E1: Involves a weak base or nucleophile since it primarily deals with the departure of the leaving group and carbocation formation.

  • E2: Requires a strong base to abstract a proton in the concerted step that leads to double bond formation.


  • E1: Favored by polar protic solvents, which stabilize carbocations and the leaving group, thus facilitating the reaction.

  • E2: Polar aprotic solvents are preferred as they enhance the strength of the base, promoting the concerted elimination process.


  • Generally, higher temperatures favor E2 reactions due to their higher activation energy, which aligns with the endothermic nature of breaking bonds simultaneously during the elimination.

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