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Effect of processing on the potential of nutraceuticals: Influence on efficacy, effects on stability, modification of active components

  • The processing of nutraceuticals significantly affects their potential in terms of bioavailability, efficacy, and stability.

Here's a detailed look at how processing influences nutraceuticals:

Impact on Bioavailability

1. Extraction Methods:

  • Techniques like cold pressing or solvent extraction can enhance the bioavailability of active compounds by making them more accessible for absorption in the body.

  • However, some methods may also degrade sensitive compounds.

2. Encapsulation:

  • This process protects active ingredients from degradation during storage and until they reach the target site in the body, potentially improving bioavailability and efficacy.

Influence on Efficacy

1. Thermal Processing:

  • Heating can destroy or alter the structure of bioactive compounds, reducing their therapeutic effects.

  • Conversely, in some cases, heat treatment may enhance the activity of certain components by converting them into more active forms.

2. Fermentation:

  • This can increase the efficacy of nutraceuticals by producing metabolites with enhanced biological activity or by improving digestibility and absorption.

Effects on Stability

1. Drying:

  • Techniques like freeze-drying or spray drying are used to increase the shelf life of nutraceutical products by reducing moisture content, which is crucial for the stability of bioactive compounds.

2. Microencapsulation:

  • By creating a physical barrier around active ingredients, microencapsulation can protect sensitive compounds from oxidative damage and improve stability during storage.

Modification of Active Components

1. Chemical Modifications:

  • Certain processing techniques can lead to the chemical modification of active ingredients, potentially creating new compounds with altered biological activity.

2. Degradation of Nutrients:

  • Processing can lead to the degradation of essential nutrients, diminishing the nutritional value of the nutraceutical product.

Overall, the processing of nutraceuticals is a double-edged sword. While it can enhance the bioavailability, stability, and efficacy of certain compounds, it can also degrade or negatively alter the active ingredients if not carefully controlled. The choice of processing methods is crucial to preserving the beneficial effects of nutraceuticals.

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