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Effect of storage on the potential of nutraceuticals: Temperature, light exposure, humidity, oxygen exposure, interaction with packaging materials

  • The storage of nutraceuticals is crucial for maintaining their potency, efficacy, and safety.

  • Various storage conditions like temperature, light exposure, humidity, and the presence of oxygen can significantly impact the stability and quality of nutraceutical products.

Here's how storage conditions affect the potential of nutraceuticals:


1. Heat Exposure:

  • High temperatures can accelerate the degradation of bioactive compounds, leading to a loss of efficacy.

  • Certain vitamins, antioxidants, and other sensitive compounds can be particularly vulnerable to heat.

2. Cold Storage:

  • While refrigeration or freezing can prolong the shelf life of some nutraceuticals by slowing down degradation processes, excessively low temperatures may also negatively affect the stability of certain ingredients, such as causing the precipitation of soluble compounds.

Light Exposure

1. UV and Visible Light:

  • Light can induce photooxidation and other photochemical reactions, leading to the degradation of sensitive components like vitamins (e.g., riboflavin and vitamin A), certain minerals, and phytochemicals.

  • This can diminish the product's nutritional and therapeutic value.

2. Protective Packaging:

  • Using opaque or UV-protective packaging materials can help mitigate light-induced damage.


1. Moisture Absorption:

  • High humidity can lead to moisture absorption, which may cause clumping, microbial growth, and hydrolysis of certain compounds, affecting the physical stability and potentially leading to the breakdown of active ingredients.

2. Desiccants:

  • Including desiccants in packaging can help control moisture levels and protect hygroscopic (moisture-absorbing) ingredients.

Oxygen Exposure

1. Oxidation:

  • Oxygen can react with various nutraceutical components, leading to oxidation.

  • This can affect fatty acids, vitamins like vitamin C and E, and other susceptible compounds, reducing their potency and potentially forming harmful degradation products.

2. Oxygen Scavengers and Inert Packaging Atmospheres:

  • Techniques like nitrogen flushing and the use of oxygen scavengers in packaging can help reduce oxidation by limiting oxygen exposure.

Interaction with Packaging Materials

1. Material Reactivity:

  • The materials used for packaging can interact with nutraceutical products, potentially leading to contamination or chemical reactions that degrade active ingredients.

  • Choosing inert, non-reactive packaging materials is essential to minimize these interactions.

Overall, the proper storage of nutraceuticals is critical for preserving their quality, safety, and therapeutic benefits. Manufacturers and consumers alike must adhere to recommended storage conditions to ensure the maximum potential and shelf life of nutraceutical products.

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