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Free radicals in muscle damage: Muscle Damage, Diseases, Therapeutic and Preventive Approaches

  • Free radicals, particularly reactive oxygen species (ROS), are intricately involved in muscle damage and the subsequent repair processes.

  • Both during intense physical exercise and in various muscle diseases, ROS play a dual role—they can contribute to muscle injury but also signal for repair and adaptation.

Here’s a closer look at how free radicals affect muscle tissue:

Muscle Damage and Free Radicals

1. Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage:

  • During intense or prolonged physical activity, muscles increase oxygen consumption, leading to higher production of ROS. These reactive molecules can damage muscle fibers by oxidizing proteins, lipids, and DNA. This damage manifests as muscle soreness, reduced force production, and inflammation.

  • However, moderate levels of ROS are also essential for triggering the adaptive responses in muscles, such as increased antioxidant defenses and muscle strengthening. This is a key component of how exercise improves fitness and endurance over time.

2. Muscle Fatigue:

  • ROS contribute to muscle fatigue during exercise by affecting the contractile function of muscles. They can interfere with calcium regulation in muscle cells, which is crucial for muscle contraction and relaxation.

  • Oxidative modification of contractile proteins can also impair their function, leading to a decrease in muscle power and endurance.

3. Inflammation and Repair:

  • After muscle damage, ROS help to initiate the inflammatory response, which is necessary for clearing damaged tissue and facilitating repair. They activate signaling pathways that lead to the recruitment of immune cells to the injured site.

  • While chronic or excessive inflammation can lead to further muscle damage, a balanced inflammatory response is essential for effective muscle healing and regeneration.

Muscle Diseases and Free Radicals

1. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD):

  • In DMD and other muscular dystrophies, there is an increased production of ROS due to disrupted cellular structures and metabolism. This oxidative stress exacerbates muscle degeneration and weakens the muscle fibers.

  • Antioxidant therapies are being explored to mitigate this oxidative damage and slow the progression of muscle degeneration in these disorders.

2. Age-Related Muscle Loss (Sarcopenia):

  • Aging is associated with increased oxidative stress and a decline in the body’s antioxidant defenses. In muscles, this leads to a gradual loss of muscle mass and strength, a condition known as sarcopenia.

  • Oxidative damage in aging muscles contributes to the loss of muscle fibers and a decrease in regenerative capacity.

Therapeutic and Preventive Approaches

1. Antioxidant Supplementation:

  • While antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and other compounds can help reduce oxidative damage, there is debate over their use, especially in athletes. Excessive supplementation might impair the beneficial adaptive responses to exercise.

  • A balanced approach, often through a diet rich in natural antioxidants (fruits, vegetables, whole grains), is generally recommended to support muscle health and recovery.

2. Exercise Adaptation:

  • Regular moderate exercise enhances the muscle’s own antioxidant defenses, making it more resilient to oxidative stress over time. This adaptation is crucial for both athletic performance and overall muscle health.

3. Managing Muscle Diseases:

  • For muscle diseases characterized by high oxidative stress, targeted antioxidant therapies are being researched. These include specific drugs that either enhance the natural antioxidant systems or directly scavenge excess ROS.

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