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Histamine Receptor & Classification of antihistamine

  • The histamine receptors are a subclass of G protein-coupled receptors that bind histamine as their main endogenous ligand.

  • There are four known histamine receptors:

1. H1 receptor

2. H2 receptor

3. H3 receptor

4. H4 receptor


Histamine receptors




Stimulate phospholipase C

ileum contraction

modulate circadian cycle


systemic vasodilatation

bronchoconstriction (allergy-induced asthma)

IgE production

Smooth muscle of respiratory and GIT

CNS neurons

T-cells, B-cells, Neutrophils, eosinophils

Heart cell

Stimulate adenyl cyclase and increase cAMP

speed up sinus rhythm

Stimulation of gastric acid secretion

Smooth muscle relaxation

Inhibit antibody synthesis


Gastric parietal cell

Vascular smooth muscles




Act on Gi protein alpha subunit

Decrease Acetylcholine, Serotonin and Norepinephrine Neurotransmitter release in CNS

Presynaptic auto receptors (inhibition of histamine release)

Mostly found in CNS

Act on Gi protein alpha subunit

mediate mast cell chemotaxis.

Modulate immune function

Hematopoietic cells

Classification of antihistamine:

1.   H1-Antagonist First-Generation- 

  • are used as sedative agents, antiallergic agents, to cure motion sickness, and an antiemetic agent. These drugs have strong sedative action and anticholinergic side effects.

    • Diphenhydramine hydrochloride*

    • Dimenhydrinate

    • Doxylamines succinate

    • Clemastine fumarate

    • Diphenylphyraline hydrochloride

    • Tripelenamine hydrochloride

    • Chlorcyclizine hydrochloride

    • Meclizine hydrochloride

    • Buclizine hydrochloride

    • Chlorpheniramine maleate

    • Triprolidine hydrochloride*

    • Phenidamine tartarate

    • Promethazine hydrochloride

    • Trimeprazine tartrate

    • Cyproheptadine hydrochloride

    • Azatidine maleate

2.   H1-Antagonist Second-Generation- 

  • are used as antiallergic agents, or adjuvant treatment for anaphylactic shock. These drugs are non-sedative or mildly sedative.

    • Loratadine,

    • Cetirizine

    • levocetirizine

    • Astemizole

3.  H1-Antagoinst mast cell stabilizer-

  • Cromolyn sodium

4.  H2-Antagonist Gastric acid inhibitor- 

  • are used to reduce the production of stomach acid

    • Ranitidine

    • Cimetidine

    • Famotidine

5.   Gastric proton pump Inhibitor-

  • Omeprazole

  • Lansoprazole

  • Rabeprazole

  • Pantoprazole

Here is the diagram for the classification of Antihistaminic Agents:

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