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Hypothesis Testing in Multiple Regression Models

  • Hypothesis testing in multiple regression models involves evaluating whether one or more of the predictor variables have a statistically significant effect on the dependent variable.

  • This process includes testing both the overall significance of the model and the significance of individual predictors.

Steps for Hypothesis Testing in Multiple Regression Models

1. Formulate the Hypotheses:

2. Estimate the Regression Model:

3. Overall Model Significance Test (F-Test):

4. Individual Predictor Significance Test (t-Test):

5. Make Decisions:


Testing if study hours (X1) and tutoring hours (X2) affect exam scores (Y):

1. Hypotheses

2. Estimate Model:

3. F- test

  • Calculate F-statistic (e.g., 15), p-value = 0.001.

4. t-Tests:

5. Decisions:

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