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Important chemical reactions of carboxylic acid

Carboxylic acids participate in a variety of chemical reactions, leveraging the reactivity of the carboxyl group.

Important chemical reactions of carboxylic acid

Below is an organized summary of these reactions along with their chemical equations:

1. Esterification

  • Carboxylic acids react with alcohols to produce esters and water, catalyzed by an acid, typically sulfuric acid.

  • Reaction: RCOOH + R'OH ⟶ RCOOR' + H2O

  • Example: Acetic Acid and Ethanol to Ethyl Acetate


2. Acid-Base Reactions

  • Carboxylic acids neutralize bases to form carboxylate salts and water.

  • Reaction: RCOOH + MOH ⟶ RCOOM + H2O

  • Example: Acetic Acid and Sodium Hydroxide to Sodium Acetate


3. Reduction to Alcohols

  • Carboxylic acids are reduced to primary alcohols using reducing agents like lithium aluminum hydride.

  • Reaction: RCOOH + 4[H] ⟶ RCH2OH

  • Example: Acetic Acid to Ethanol

  • CH3COOH+4[H]CH3​COOH+4[H] (from LiAlH4) ⟶ CH3CH2OHCH3​CH2​OH

4. Decarboxylation

  • Heating carboxylic acids with a strong base leads to the loss of a carbon dioxide molecule and formation of an alkane.

  • Reaction: RCOOH ⟶ RH + CO2

  • Example: Propanoic Acid to Ethane


5. Formation of Acyl Halides

  • Carboxylic acids can be converted to acyl halides using halogenating agents like thionyl chloride.

  • Reaction: RCOOH + SOCl2 ⟶ RCOCl + SO2 + HCl

  • Example: Acetic Acid to Acetyl Chloride


6. Formation of Amides

  • Carboxylic acids react with ammonia or amines to form amides, often requiring heat or dehydration agents.

  • Reaction: RCOOH + NH3 ⟶ RCONH2 + H2O

  • Example: Acetic Acid to Acetamide


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