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Integumentary system & Function

  •  The integumentary system is the body's largest organ system and serves several crucial functions.

  • It is primarily composed of the skin, hair, nails, and various glands.

Integumentary system components


  • The largest organ, with three layers:

    1. Epidermis: The outermost layer, composed of stratified squamous epithelium, provides a barrier against external pathogens, UV radiation, and water loss.

    2. Dermis: Middle layer with connective tissue, blood vessels, nerve endings, hair follicles, and glands.

    3. Hypodermis: Deepest layer, mainly fat, provides insulation and cushioning.

2. Hair:

  • Made of keratin, provides protection, insulation, and sensory input.

3. Nails:

  • Keratin structures that protect fingertips and enhance the ability to grasp objects.

4. Glands:

  1. Sweat Glands: Regulate temperature through sweat.

  2. Sebaceous Glands: Produce sebum, moisturizing the skin and hair.

  3. Ceruminous Glands: Produce earwax, protecting the ear.


  • Protection: Shields against injury, pathogens, and UV radiation.

  • Sensation: Detects touch, temperature, and pain.

  • Temperature Regulation: Manages heat through sweat and blood vessel adjustments.

  • Excretion: Removes waste via sweat.

  • Vitamin D Synthesis: Produces vitamin D with sunlight exposure.

  • Immune Defense: Hosts immune cells to combat pathogens.

Overall, the integumentary system is vital for protecting the body, maintaining balance, and interacting with the environment.

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