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  • LOCAL ANAESTHETICS are medications used to induce a temporary loss of sensation in a specific area of the body.

  • They are commonly used during surgical procedures, dental treatments, and other medical applications to prevent or alleviate pain without affecting consciousness.

Mechanism of Action:

1. Blocking Sodium Channels:

  • Local anesthetics work primarily by blocking sodium channels on nerve cells (neurons).

  • When these channels are blocked, nerve cells cannot conduct an electrical signal, which means they can't transmit pain signals to the brain.

2. Reversible Action:

  • This action is reversible, so once the drug wears off, normal sensation returns.

Types of Local Anesthetics:

1. Ester Local Anesthetics:

  • Older class, includes drugs like procaine and benzocaine.

  • These are generally metabolized by enzymes in the blood and can be more allergenic.

2. Amide Local Anesthetics:

  • Newer class, includes drugs like lidocaine and bupivacaine.

  • These are metabolized in the liver and typically have a lower risk of allergic reactions.

Forms and Administration:


  • Applied directly to skin or mucous membranes (e.g., creams, ointments, sprays).


  • Used for more profound anesthesia, injected near the nerve, into the tissue, or around a specific area (e.g., nerve blocks, spinal or epidural anesthesia).

Duration of Action:


  • E.g., Procaine.


  • E.g., Lidocaine.


  • E.g., Bupivacaine.


  • Surgery: To numb a specific area during minor surgical procedures.

  • Dentistry: For procedures like tooth extractions or cavity fillings.

  • Diagnostic Procedures: To alleviate discomfort during procedures like endoscopy.

  • Chronic Pain Management: In nerve blocks for chronic pain conditions.

Side Effects:

While generally safe, they can cause side effects, especially if used improperly:

  • Local Reactions: Redness, swelling, or itching at the application site.

  • Systemic Reactions: If absorbed in significant amounts, can affect the heart and central nervous system, leading to symptoms like dizziness, seizures, or cardiac arrhythmias.

  • Allergic Reactions: More common with ester-type anesthetics.


  • Dose: It’s crucial to use the correct dose to minimize risks.

  • Adjuvants: Sometimes combined with other drugs like epinephrine to prolong their effects and reduce bleeding in the area.

  • Patient Factors: Medical history, allergies, and specific condition considerations are essential for safe use.

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