Mifepristone is a synthetic steroid with both anti-glucocorticoid and anti-progestational properties, featuring a RU486 core structure.
Chemical Formula: C₂₈H₃₈N₂O₄

Mode of Action
Progesterone Receptor Antagonism: Blocks progesterone receptors, disrupting the uterine lining and preventing implantation.
Glucocorticoid Receptor Antagonism: Inhibits cortisol receptors, used in managing hypercortisolism.
Induction of Labor: Can induce labor by causing uterine contractions.
Uses of Mifepristone
Medical Abortion: Combined with misoprostol to terminate early pregnancies by preventing implantation and inducing uterine contractions.
Cushing’s Syndrome: Used to manage endogenous hypercortisolism by blocking cortisol receptors.
Emergency Contraception: Sometimes used off-label to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse.