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Nandrolone (Androlone-D)

  • Nandrolone is an androgen and anabolic steroid also known as 19-nortestosterone.

  • Similar to testosterone.


  • Nandrolone (Androlone-D) Chemical Structure –

Nandrolone (Androlone-D)

Mode of action

  • Its mechanism of action is similar as the testosterone, bit it has a greater ability to binds with androgen receptor.

  • Nandrolone interacts with the androgen receptor when it enters cells through receptor-mediated endocytosis.

  • A conformational change occurs after interaction to the androgen receptor.

  • To control transcription, the androgen receptor enters the nucleus, dimerizes, and then binds to certain DNA sequence.


  • It is used to treat

    • Osteoporosis

    • Breast cancer

    • Cancer

    • AIDS

    • Enhanced bone density

    • Muscular growth

    • Anaemia.

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