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Nephron anatomy

  • Nephrons are the microscopic structural and functional units of the kidney, crucial for the process of filtering blood, removing waste, and regulating fluid and electrolyte balance.

  • Each kidney contains about 1 million nephrons. A nephron is composed of two main parts: the renal corpuscle and the renal tubule.

nephron anatomy

Renal Corpuscle

  • The renal corpuscle is the initial filtering component of the nephron and is located in the renal cortex. It consists of two main structures:

1. Glomerulus:

  • A cluster of capillaries where blood filtration begins, separating water and small solutes from larger molecules.

2. Bowman's Capsule:

  • Encases the glomerulus, with an inner layer (podocytes) and an outer layer, collecting the filtrate to pass it to the renal tubule.

Renal Tubule

  • The renal tubule is a long, coiled tube that converts the filtrate from the Bowman's capsule into urine by reabsorption and secretion. It is divided into several segments:

1. Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT):

  • Reabsorbs water, sodium, glucose, and nutrients from the filtrate.

2. Loop of Henle:

  • Extends into the medulla, with descending and ascending limbs to concentrate urine by regulating water and salt levels.

3. Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT):

  • Further adjusts ion balance and pH, playing a key role in regulating potassium, sodium, and calcium.

4. Collecting Duct:

  • Receives processed filtrate from multiple DCTs, fine-tuning water reabsorption and determining urine's final concentration and volume.

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