Chemical formula:
C23H30ClN3O (quinacrine) and HCl (hydrochloride)
Mechanism of action:
Quinacrine is thought to inhibit heme detoxification within the Plasmodium food vacuole, similar to other quinoline-based antimalarials. It may also interfere with the parasite's nucleic acid synthesis.
Quinacrine was historically used to treat malaria, particularly in combination with other antimalarial drugs.
Its use as an antimalarial has declined due to the emergence of drug resistance and the availability of newer, more effective drugs.
It is still used to treat some parasitic infections such as giardiasis and has been used off-label for conditions such as lupus.
Side effects:
abdominal pain
yellow discoloration of the skin and eyes
and photosensitivity.
Serious side effects include agranulocytosis, hepatotoxicity, and seizures.