Definition of Retail Sale of Drugs
Retail: The business of selling drugs directly to consumers through pharmacies or drugstores. (Retail Sale of Drugs)
Licensing Requirements:
Retail License:
Mandatory for operating a pharmacy or drugstore.
Types of Retail Licenses:
General Retail License: For selling non-prescription drugs.
Prescription Retail License: Required to sell Schedule H drugs.
Pharmacist in Charge:
Must have a registered pharmacist present during business hours.
Ensures that customers receive professional advice and that prescription requirements are met.
Application Process:
Similar to wholesale licensing but with additional requirements for the presence of qualified personnel.
Conditions for License:
Display: Proper display of the license at the place of business.
Storage: Adequate storage facilities to maintain drug quality and prevent misuse.
Security: Measures to prevent theft or unauthorized access, especially for controlled drugs.