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Streptomycin: Chemical Structure, Mechanism of Action, Uses & Side effects

Chemical formula:

  • C21H39N7O12

Structure of Streptomycin
Structure of Streptomycin

Mechanism of action:

  • Streptomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that binds to the 30S ribosomal subunit of bacteria, causing misreading of the genetic code and inhibition of protein synthesis.


  • Streptomycin is used in combination with other antitubercular drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis (TB), particularly for drug-resistant strains or in cases of severe disease.

  • It is also used to treat other bacterial infections, such as plague and tularemia.

Side effects:

  • Side effects can include ototoxicity (hearing loss and vertigo), nephrotoxicity, hypersensitivity reactions, and neuromuscular blockade.

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