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  • Structurally, substitution(modification) is possible on-

- Aryl group- X = O, C, N

- Ethylene Bridge

- anime group

1.  Substitution on Aryl groups

  • The diary substitution is essential for Activity.

  • It is present both in first generation and second-generation antihistamines.

  • The optimal antihistaminic activity depends on the co-planarity of two aryl substitutions.

  • Active aryl substitutions are as follows:

I.   Ar is phenyl and hetero aryl group like 2-pyridyl

II.   Ar1 is Aryl or aryl methyl group

III.   Substitution of Cl, Br, O-CH3 group on aryl ring increase the activity

2.   Nature of X

  • Antihistamines with X = carbon (pheniramine series) represents the stereo selective receptor binding to the receptors due to its chirality.

  • The X is substituted by three major elements, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon. And If X is substituted by any other element, then the activity will decrease or lost

  • The active substitutions of X are as follows:

  • Where X = oxygen (amino alkyl ether analogue)

  • X = nitrogen (ethylene-diamine derivative)

  • X = carbon (mono amino propyl analogue)

3.  The Alkyl Chain

  • Most of the antihistamines have ethylene chain which is essential for activity.

  • Branching of this chain results in a less active compound.

4.   Terminal nitrogen atom:

  • The terminal N-atom should be a 3° amine for maximum activity.

  • The terminal nitrogen may be a part of heterocyclic ring which increase the antihistaminic activity by many times.

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