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  • It functions as both anabolic steroids and the primary sex hormones hormone.


  • Testosterone Chemical Structure – C19H28O2


Mode of action

  • By attaching to and activating the androgen receptor, it produces its desired effect.

  • The target cell's cell membrane is first crossed by testosterone, which then binds with the androgen receptor.

  • The androgen receptor then undergoes a conformational change because of this.

  • The androgen receptor can then separate from its heat shock proteins (these are HSP 70 and HSP 90) as a result.

  • The androgen-receptor complex is transported into the nucleus, after passing through the nuclear membrane.

  • It attaches to DNA, seduces additional transcriptional regulators, and together they form a pre-initiation complex that eventually stimulates the production of certain genes.

  • Consequently, a variety of genes are encouraged to be translated and transcribed by certain ligand-activated transcription factors10.


  • It is believed to control a man's sex drive, bone mass, muscular mass, and strength, fat distribution, as well as the creation of sperm and red blood cells.

  • It is responsible for the development of male sex organs like testes.


  • Men's bone density, muscle strength and mass, fat distribution, facial and body hair, red blood cell formation, and sperm creation are all maintained by testosterone.

Side effects

  • Swelling

  • Acne and other skin reactions

  • Liver toxicity

  • Cardiac problems

  • Worsening sleep apnea (Sleeping on your back can make your sleep apnea worse)

  • enlarging breasts are some of the side effects.

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