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  • Based on Bernoulli's theorem. The fluid's velocity increases, and pressure decreases as it passes through the throat of the Venturi meter.



  • Q = flow rate

  • Cd = discharge coefficient

  • A1 = cross-sectional area of the pipe before the converging section

  • A2 = cross-sectional area of the throat

  • ΔP = pressure difference between the inlet and the throat

  • ρ = fluid density


venturi meter
venturi meter
  1. Converging Section: Narrows the fluid flow.

  2. Throat: The narrowest section where velocity is highest, and pressure is lowest.

  3. Diverging Section: Gradually returns the pipe to its original diameter.

  4. Pressure Taps: Located before the converging section and at the throat.


  • Fluid enters the Venturi meter and is accelerated in the converging section.

  • Maximum velocity and minimum pressure occur at the throat.

  • Pressure recovery occurs in the diverging section.

  • The pressure difference between the inlet and throat is measured to calculate the flow rate.


  • Measurement of flow rates in large pipelines.

  • Common in water supply systems, gas pipelines, and in various industrial processes.


  • High accuracy and reliability.

  • Low permanent pressure loss compared to orifice meters.

  • Suitable for a wide range of fluid types, including dirty or sediment-laden fluids.


  • More expensive and complex to install.

  • Requires a longer straight pipe section upstream and downstream for accurate measurements.

  • Bulky and not suitable for small-diameter pipes.

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